Arbitrariness of judges
Business of Occupiers
Occupation business inside Ukraine – Solly-Plus car dealer: cooperation with Russia and raiding

Solly-Plus Holding is the official dealer of the GAZ and MAZ automobile brands in Ukraine and has numerous branches throughout the country. This extensive structure can be used to fictitiously split income, which allows for tax evasion.
In 2022, Solly-Plus’s revenue amounted to UAH 56.5 million, and the company’s website had long mentioned the service and sale of spare parts for GAZ and MAZ. After the publication of journalistic investigations, the information was quickly removed, but screenshots remained, indicating possible continued cooperation with the aggressors.
The holding is managed by Konstantin Tokarev, who is known not only as a two-time deputy of the Kharkiv City Council from the Party of Regions, but also as the Honorary Consul of Lithuania in Kharkiv.
Currently, law enforcement agencies are actively investigating the company’s activities under Part 4 of Article 111-1 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine, which deals with collaboration. In addition, the investigation is underway:
- TU BEB in Kyiv – proceedings No. 72024102100000026 (Part 5 of Article 191 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine)
- Kharkiv Region Main Department of the National Police – case No. 42024220000000210 (part 1 of Article 364 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine)
- Shevchenkivskyi District Prosecutor’s Office of Kharkiv – case No. 42024222060000195 (part 1, Article 364 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine)
According to law enforcement officials, Solly Plus may be involved not only in financial crimes, but also in the illegal transportation of spare parts and automotive products across the Belarusian-Ukrainian border.
The story of raiding by Solly
Seven years of investment and more than UAH 200 million in construction – and what happened? Loss of property due to a court decision in connection with the desire of the well-known car dealer Solly to raid the property.
What’s the story? In 2012, Solli sold a plot of land at 323-A Akademika Pavlova Street (the territory of present-day Saltivka, which at the time belonged to the village of Tsyrkuny) to Bezant. Later, the latter liquidated and resold the land to Polipharm.
Subsequently, in 2017, the new and legal owner of the land became Brian LLC, which invested more than UAH 200 million in the development of the territory by building a shopping center with a bus station.
But everything changed 11 years later. In 2023, Solla’s co-owner, Oleksandr Gapon, filed a lawsuit with the Kharkiv Oblast Commercial Court to invalidate the 2012 deal, arguing that he simply did not know about the sale. In his opinion, the board of Sollie had no right to sell the land plot. And he was a victim of circumstances who learned about the violation of his rights only a decade later.
The case ended in an odious decision: Judge Yevhen Zhyliaiev satisfied Gapon’s claims in full, recognizing the original purchase agreement as invalid. And in April 2024, Judge Natalia Kukhar made a new decision: to reclaim the land from the bona fide owner of Briand LLC, effectively leaving the company without the right to the land in which millions had already been invested.
The trial raises many questions. For example, why did the Economic Court of Kharkiv Region satisfy Gapon’s claim without the participation of the legal owner of the land plot (in fact, the defendant), Briant LLC?
Let’s look at the manipulations that took place during the trial by the court of first instance
The scheme of “inter-competition”: As mentioned earlier, the lawsuit was filed not against Briane, the legal owner, but against Solli, a company in which Gapon himself has a stake. “Solli did not even deny in court that the statute of limitations had long since expired. Representatives of the company also did not attend the hearing. The absence of a legal entity such as Bezant LLC (the company has been liquidated), which was the first buyer of the land plot, also did not stop the court. Therefore, the case was considered without the participation of the real owner.
Another aspect is that Gapon claims that he had no information about who currently owns the land plot. However, access to information about property owners is open and easy to obtain. This calls into question the objectivity of the court, which ignored its direct obligation to involve the real owner, i.e. Briand LLC, in the case.
The trial: part 2
For a while, everyone forgot about the decision made by Judge Yevhen Zhilyaev “to violate Gapon’s rights”. However, six months later, after the decision officially came into force and the appeal period expired, the second part of the litigation began.
Sollia’s representatives again appealed to the Commercial Court to reclaim the land on the basis of the previous decision. Judge Natalia Kukhar, using her colleague’s decision as an argument, ruled to reclaim the land in favor of Solli. Once again, the rightful owner, Briand, was not represented in this process.
Interestingly, Gapon and Solli did not even try to hide their connection. In the two trials, attorney Shvets represented different parties-first Gapon and then Solly.
I wonder what made the judges of the Economic Court of Kharkiv Region turn a blind eye to the position of the Supreme Court? In particular, in terms of enforcement. According to the practice: “a court decision rendered in a case cannot under any circumstances be opposed to a person who did not participate in the case. The court decision to satisfy the claim applies only to those persons in respect of whom the decision was made, but in no way determines the rights and obligations of other persons.”
Perhaps a pecuniary interest? Or is it just incompetence and ignorance of the practice and its application? What do you think?
By the way, Judge Kukhar’s husband, Oleksandr, is a former deputy prosecutor of the Kharkiv region and a current deputy of the Kharkiv Regional Council. He is also a pensioner who received UAH 1,262,400 from the Pension Fund last year. Kukhar is a member of the Commission on Ecology, Natural Resources, Environmental Protection, Emergencies and Elimination of Their Consequences, and thus is particularly close to the region’s land issues, which opens up a wide field for manipulation.
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