21.05.2024 Business of Occupiers Construction Corruption Money laundering

As judges, Lidia Izovitova and the Bar Council of Ukraine defend Putin’s entourage. We demand a response from top officials and law enforcement

The judiciary and lawyers continue to “dance to the music” of the traitors of Ukraine. Lidiya Izovitova, the head of the Ukrainian National Bar Association and the Bar Council of Ukraine, defends all traitors who work on the side of the occupiers. Some current Ukrainian lawyers cooperate with the FSB investigation, do not defend their clients, do not pay attention to torture and worsen their situation. Nevertheless, the UNBA continues to keep their lawyer’s certificates valid.

Viktor Medvedchuk, who until recently represented the pro-Russian OPFL in Parliament and is now in exile somewhere in Erythia, is gradually making his way to power, influencing justice. In particular, Izovitova has long defended the decision to leave Medvedchuk’s lawyer’s certificate and status. Now, Izovitova is protecting the activities of Putin’s godfather’s people. With their influence, lawyers from Medvedchuk’s entourage help traitors and supporters of the Russian Federation to earn money in Ukraine, subsequently financing the purchase of weapons for terrorizing civilians.

So are judges and lawyers really working in the interests of Ukraine? Or, on the contrary, are they gradually destroying the country from within for the arrival of people like Medvedchuk and his ilk? More in the article.

Devil’s advocate or how Medvedchuk influences processes in Ukraine

Despite unlimited sanctions and arrests, traitor and Putin’s godfather Viktor Medvedchuk continues to illegally earn billions in Ukraine through front companies, the so-called “wallets”.

In particular, numerous residential buildings are under threat of unfinished construction due to the investment funds of EVO Invest and Astera. And the funds invested by Ukrainians and foreigners remain frozen. Medvedchuk’s funds are managed by the married couple Sydorenko-Orel and Beloychuk, who are the oligarch’s “wallets”.

The main activity of the latter is withdrawal of investors’ funds, and then transferring them to Medvedchuk’s accounts, which subsequently leads to the financing of terrorism.

The register of court decisions shows that developers who try to continue fulfilling their obligations to the population to complete housing are facing resistance from Sydorenko, Orla, Beloychuk, who fulfill the whims of the pro-Russian businessman.

One of Medvedchuk’s proxies is Yelyzaveta Konovalenko, who represents the interests of the NGO “Kozak Club” controlled by Medvedchuk (court case No. 910/9146/23). The latter organization is accused by law enforcement agencies of training illegal armed groups to commit actions aimed at forcibly changing the government of Ukraine and unauthorized seizure of land from the environmental protection fund.

Despite the legality and validity of this decision of the Kyiv Regional Qualification and Disciplinary Commission, on the illegal instructions of the UNBA Head, Lidiya Izovitova, actions are being taken to justify the illegal actions of Ms. Konovalenko and to restore her right to practice law in the interests of Medvedchuk.

The media often associate Izovitova with the traitor Medvedchuk, as the former, using her high status, informally represents the interests of the latter’s organization in the judicial and law enforcement agencies. Among other things, Izovitova contributes to violations of legal ethics and the failure to prosecute lawyers from Medvedchuk’s structure.

Moreover, it is a well-known fact that L.P. Izovitova personally opposed the disbarment of Medvedchuk and took measures to persuade other members of the legal community to justify the traitor’s actions.

Taking into account the above, we sent an appeal to the High Council of Justice, the National Academy of Advocates of Ukraine, the Bar Council of Ukraine, the High Qualification and Disciplinary Commission of the Bar and others with the requirements:

  1. Take measures to prevent the influence of representatives of the aggressor state on NAAU, RAU and the justice system.
  2. Resolve the issue of removing L.P. Izotova from the position of the Head of NAAU and RAU due to abuses that harm national interests.
  3. Initiate early re-election of the NAAU and RAU leadership.

We are waiting for the reaction and continue to work on eradicating the Russian trace. Watch the video to learn more about the activities of Medvedchuk’s people and the traitor’s influence on the processes in Ukraine during the war.

What is happening to the property of the sanctioned Medvedchuk now?

The arrested 92-meter yacht Royal Romance, which previously belonged to the traitorous ex-MP Viktor Medvedchuk, has been granted the status of a Ukrainian vessel subject to Ukrainian jurisdiction. And more than 150 paintings by the traitor that have no historical or cultural value will be sold.

How did the head of the ARMA, Olena Duma, comment on this?

“This is a historic moment for our country. The first seized asset located abroad in the history of Ukraine has received state registration in Ukraine. This will facilitate the further sale of the seized yacht and the receipt of funds from the sale to the state budget of Ukraine…”

To recap: In 2020, it became known that Medvedchuk declared an offshore company Fregata Marine Ltd, which owns one of the world’s most expensive yachts, Royal Romance, with an estimated value of $200 million, to his wife Oksana Marchenko. After the full-scale invasion, on March 17, 2022, the yacht was arrested in the port of the Croatian city of Rijeka. The arrest took place due to sanctions imposed by the European Union against the backdrop of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

The 92-meter Royal Romance is one of the five largest luxury yachts in the world. Its annual maintenance and travel expenses are estimated at $15-20 million.

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