10.01.2025 Investigations

Construction of dachas for the leadership of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the National Police at the expense of the budget

Що подивитись в Закарпатті. ТОП 15 місць, які варто відвідати

Zakarpattia is an important strategic region of Ukraine that became the epicenter of criminal operations during the war due to its borders with the state border and forested area. To understand the scale of the crimes that are currently taking place in Zakarpattia, we propose to analyze recent revelations.

Schemes for trafficking men across the border

Recently, the National Police of Ukraine, namely the Strategic Investigations Department, conducted massive searches on a scheme to smuggle fugitives across the border.

As a result of these actions, more than 40 suspicions were served, all black books, lists of smuggled persons for 2024, as well as large amounts of cash, weapons and fake seals of various government agencies, including the TCC, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Belarus, were seized. The seals were used to produce fictitious documents that allowed Ukrainians to illegally smuggle across the border to evade mobilization.

It is known that citizens paid from 5 to 15 thousand dollars for this service.

Corruption at the highest level: construction of “general’s dachas” during the war

Information is increasingly leaking out in the media that the head of the Transcarpathian police, Kolesnyk, is not only using his position for personal enrichment, but has also organized the illegal construction of recreational complexes for himself and high-ranking officials, including Interior Minister Klymenko and his deputy, Teteri. This construction is being carried out in the immediate vicinity of the village of Zhdaniyevo, Mukachevo district, at the expense of subordinate police officers. In particular, Kolesnyk gives weekly instructions to provide construction materials and workers from district police departments, which is an illegal use of resources.

Moreover, for the construction of these facilities, forests were illegally cut down on the territory of Svalyava, Mizhhirya, Rakhiv and Brusturyansky forestries. As a result, luxurious dachas were built for the senior management of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine and their “patrons” at the expense of police officers and “shadow business”.

A system of extortion and corruption that thrives in times of war

Колесник Ярослав Васильович — Вікіпедія

According to sources, Kolesnyk does not stop at construction: a number of criminal schemes have been organized under his leadership. From illegal gambling and call center activities to fraud, to timber theft, smuggling, “busification” of citizens, and illegal trafficking of people across the border.

At the same time, the top management of the National Police and the Ministry of Internal Affairs actively cover up these schemes without taking any real measures to investigate them.

Viktor Mykyta and his corruption empire: smuggling, deforestation and smuggling of fugitives

High-level corruption schemes in Zakarpattia are not limited to the police. Mykyta, the former head of the Zakarpattia Regional State Administration and now deputy head of the Presidential Office, organized an empire of corruption schemes, including in the Uzhansky National Nature Park, which is located near the border with Poland and Slovakia.

This location became an ideal platform for a number of illegal operations, including

  • Smuggling. Using a variety of illegal trails and bribed guides, smuggling of tobacco products, alcohol and other goods across the state border is actively realized. Fake documents help to legalize imported goods and avoid taxes.
  • Illegal logging. There is active deforestation under false documents under the guise of sanitary felling or “forest road lighting”.
  • Evasion of mobilization. A separate scheme was organized to illegally smuggle citizens who tried to avoid mobilization across the border. For those who wanted to, the price was set at up to 15 thousand dollars for the opportunity to escape the war.

Now the question to law enforcement agencies and the prosecutor’s office is: when will you start acting? How many more publications are needed to stop these crimes and punish the perpetrators? According to the evidence and materials we have collected, we have already sent relevant statements to the law enforcement agencies. But it seems that this is not enough to start real action.

We also appealed to the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Natural Resources and personally to Minister Olena Kramarenko, but as we can see, there is no result.

So how many more disclosures and dismissals are needed before officials open their eyes?

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