About us

NGO «NON-STOP UKRAINE» – it is a human rights volunteer organization that puts the interests of society above its own. For several years, we have been “keeping our finger on the pulse” of corruption and abuse of office by high-ranking officials.

Since the beginning of the war with the Russian invaders, they have been actively volunteering, helping the population to meet their urgent needs for food, medicine, and hygiene products.

We resolutely carry out human rights protection activities, protect vulnerable sections of the population, as well as military personnel and their families.

In addition, we conduct investigations and collect materials on systemic corruption, paying special attention to opposition to pro-Russian politicians and businesses. That is why we have tremendous experience in waging a legal and informational war against the enemies of society. We know and can predict all the next steps and manipulations for further countermeasures and strike tasks. We are not afraid, but on the contrary – we are waiting for reactions and “misses” for further strategic actions.

Collage NGO

We are a registered legal order Non-Governmental Organization

You can see more information about us and our activities in the charter.

Time to build new life

Non-Governmental Organization “NON STOP UKRAINE”

We can professionally collect information and research materials on any topic. We reveal the schemes and corruption connections that brazenly rob Ukrainian society and the state.

Therefore, the priorities in our activities are: overcoming corruption, economic crimes, abuse of office, protection of the environment, interests of military personnel and vulnerable sections of the population.

We are looking for allies and those who don’t care who want to join our team! We have universal strategies and tactics that guarantee success and results in launched campaigns.

We are opened for you

Everything we do is our join work.

Join in! Together we will find complex solutions and protect the interests of society and